Saturday, November 15, 2008

because I love my wife...

So today I had the day off work and Tamra thinks I am working on my golf cart. Well, I was definitely working, but the truth is, I'm not working on my golf cart. She's been complaining of the lack of space and how we don't have anywhere to put our year supply and I completely agree with her. Our year supply is stuffed in every nook and cranny throughout our little 500 something square foot house. Under the bed, under the couch, in the living room, bedroom, and piled as neatly (and as high) as possible in every corner. yeah, about that day off, I set out to take care of the situation. I called two of my good friends who owed me a favor and they came to help me out today. Ok, here are some pictures. This blog is mostly for Tamra who has not seen them yet. She is home in Colorado visiting her family this week for spring break. As for the rest of you all, I highly recommend building your own shelves because these cost about $30 each for the wood and screws.

And an FYI, that is not my pink corvette behind the shelf in one of the pics outside. haha.

UPDATE!  more pictures posted.  I built an 8ft wide by 2ft deep and 7ft tall storage shelf for behind the house.  its AWESOME.