Monday, July 18, 2011

2 Months

I can't believe Hazel is already 2 months old. She is such a sweet baby, I feel so lucky to be her mommy! Even though we blessed her when she was only 2 weeks old, I am sad to say I accidently deleted ALL the pictures from her blessing day off my camera. After getting over my tears, I decided to try her dress on her and was SO HAPPY to find it still fit! So I took a few pictures. My sweet Aunt Karen made Grace's blessing dress which turned out BEAUTIFUL, so I was a little nervous when I decided to make Hazel's. I must say I am really happy with the way it turned out! I couldn't have done it with out the help of my Mom (some of those instructions can be pretty confusing for someone like me who hasn't done much sewing.) After re-doing the sleeves once and the collar twice wallah... we have hazel looking darling as ever. I'm glad I was able to take these pictures when I did because I'm pretty sure if this would have happened any later, this dress would not be fitting her with how fast she is growing!!

Grace gets so excited any time she is even close to Hazel. It is very comical at time :)


Kelly and Tamra said...

Love the pictures Tam Tam, thanks for posting!

LoriAnn Grigg said...

That's a beautiful dress Tammy, you did an awesome job! And she is so darling.

Julia said...

What precious photos of your girls! I love Hazel's smile. She is so beautiful!