Monday, June 27, 2011

June and Potting Training

Hazel is growing so fast, I can't believe June is almost gone! She sure is a sweet baby and We all agree she looks A LOT like Daddy!

Grace has been learning to use the potty for about 2 weeks now and we are SO PROUD of her! After doing a lot of research on different methods we found one we wanted to try and so far so good! We have so much fun with this little girl. She is always trying to make us laugh and has been having fun playing color games with Mom and loves singing songs (although it sounds more like she is translating them into German.)

This is the beautiful view from our back deck. We LOVE getting the chance to spot some deer roaming around! There is an elementary school you can kind of see behind us and I love when school is in and I can hear the kids playing on the playground during recess.

1 comment:

Becca said...

Wow. I want to move in with you. So pretty there!!! And I did a real LOL when I read that Grace singing sounds like she's translating into German. :)